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Quantitative analysis of tRNA abundance and modifications by nanopore RNA sequencing.

Transfer RNAs (tRNAs) play a central role in protein translation. Studying them has been difficult in part because a simple method to simultaneously quantify their abundance and chemical modifications is lacking. Here we introduce Nano-tRNAseq, a nanopore-based approach to sequence native tRNA populations that provides quantitative estimates of both tRNA abundances and modification dynamics in a single experiment. We show that default nanopore sequencing settings discard the vast majority of tRNA reads, leading to poor sequencing yields and biased representations of tRNA abundances based on their transcript length. Re-processing of raw nanopore current intensity signals leads to a 12-fold increase in the number of recovered tRNA reads and enables recapitulation of accurate tRNA abundances. 


Patent Information:
IP Status

A patent on the Nano-tRNAseq library preparation method has been filed (EP22382917)

For Information, Contact:
Silvia Tortola
CRG Inventors:
Eva Novoa
Morghan Lucas
Leszek Pryszcz
Rebeca Medina Azmecua
Liquid Biopsy




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